Детектирование и документирование

  • Производитель
    • CAMAG
Advanced Filter

In contrast to other chromatographic techniques, TLC/HPTLC offers the unique opportunity to “visualize” the chromatographic result directly for the human eye. The obtained data can be edited, archived and evaluated. For quantitation, densitograms (CAMAG TLC Scanner 4) or image profiles (CAMAG TLC Visualizer 2) can be used. For structure confirmation, selected target analytes can be transferred to a Mass Spectrometer (MS-Interface). A non-target analysis can be achieved by effect-directed HPTLC, e.g. basis general toxicity for Alliivibrio fischeri analyzed by bioluminescence detection (CAMAG BioLuminizer 2).

Integrated approach
Best possible price/quality ratio
Own logistics department
Own production facility