Agilent 7000D Triple Quadrupole GC/MS

7000D Triple Quadrupole GC/MS
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The Agilent 7000D triple quadrupole GC/MS is the latest model of the most successful GC/MS/MS in history. The right choice for most applications, the 7000D is the fourth-generation version of the GC/TQ used by agencies around the world to create and validate many now-standard GC/MS/MS methods.

Price: on request
Availability: Under the order

The Agilent 7000D triple quadrupole GC/MS is the latest model of the most successful GC/MS/MS in history. The right choice for most applications, the 7000D is the fourth-generation version of the GC/TQ used by agencies around the world to create and validate many now-standard GC/MS/MS methods.

 Appearance of the product may differ from that shown in the photo.
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Integrated approach
Best possible price/quality ratio
Own logistics department
Own production facility